Sunday, January 25, 2015


Hey guys,

can we all take a moment of silence for the Kate moss 110!

Not only does it look amazing feel amazing but smell amazing just like watermelon!

Now to the empties xxxx

This is the soap and glory rich and foamous ! it is amazing xxx
it does my skin wonders I highly recommend this go buy this NOW!!!

 This scrub is amazing it smells amazing does wonders brigthens your skin and I abusolety love it buy it trust me

This one is useless because when I had nail polish and tried to take it off with this nothing came off up to a point where I was pouring it and still nothing!! I shall not buy that again.
And if you are reading this do not buy this it is rubbish
 This lip balm was not good it was like your average and it does not smell like vanilla chai at all!! it smells a bit like vanilla but the rest is plasticine and it doesn't really smooth my lips at all

This looks cool but the product leaves my skin not feeling fresh or good or even moistured it is runny not the way you want it to be it is not even that matt. But it looks amazing

 I LOVE THIS Toni And Guy are one of my favourite hair brands it leaves your hair soft and silky its in a big bottle it looks professional want is there not to love the smell is good I am obviously going to buy this again. I KNOW you should too!! I don't know want to say else to say about it expect that it's amazing!! :)

This is the conditioner and lemme say it smells amazing and hair is silky and soft my hair also smells amazing and I will  repurchasing this and I love it I am very happy I bought this :) BUY THIS!!!!

Have a nice week all of you!!!

Monday, January 19, 2015

Favorites For December

Hey guys
Today I want to talk about my favorites for December (soooo late)
the first thing is girl online by Zoe Sugg it's an amazing book love it to bits. Kripsy kreme dounts 😆. Movie wise I have been loving the vampire Diaries series it seemed like a waste of time but just watch the first episode !!

Beauty wise, I have been loving  the sleek paltee and max factor conclear the goody hairbands and Baby lips !!! Not to forget the lips balm form body shop Born Lippy or something like that. Also the bath bombs all of them !! Also the Tony and Guy shampoo and tresemme conditioner!

Candle wise, the home base ones mentioned in my pamper evening post ! And vanilla and coconut candle also the I usia ones I believe it is calls that and also the ones in tmax floral bouquet and the morleys one called blush and party time !

Next post will be on general stuff that's happening in my life haha

One embrassing time in my life was when I had a anxiety meeting in the doctors and I ahd to take my shirts off so she could hear my heart and a lady came in and she is like Oh My God got out, Then the lady called her and she peeked through and stood with her back to me !

Bye guys love you xxxxx

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Winter Cheer and resultions

Hey guys I have uploaded a page but its nowhere to be found,

But today I want to talk about my new resolutions

1. Beat my anxiety
 3.More blog posts
4.More twitter
5. Try to be healthy

We all those times when we want to lie down in bed with your onesie and hot chocolates horror movies and candles not to forget the baths and bath bombs ! that is season cheer every season I will do what it is about!!!