Monday, August 24, 2015

Hey Guys,
Sorry I haven't been posting really all summer. But I wanted to enjoy the holidays. So I just wanted to chat a bit!

I can't wait for Autumn. The way the leaves turn orange and Horror Movies and big comfy jumpers

But then also school starts:(
I finshied Game Of Thrones! At the end of season 5 I cried. I like this new hairstyle where you braid a normal braid and have three of them. Lastly braid all if them together.

I also really like honey and lemon shampoo, which it smells so good! Ah!

I Love Mountain Dew Ah! So good! I'm going to go to the shop after this to buy some.

anyway sorry for not posting much and I don't when how much I will be posting. By the way I full on deleted Facebook and I fell so free!! Bye :*